Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Please Read

I wasn't planning on bringing the whole mistaken identity/blog/Goodreads/50 Shades thing up again, mainly because I have other things to do and online drama gives me the hives. But--there's always a but--there's a few things I need to address.

Just like the whole thing came to my attention, another misfortune situation has occurred. It appears that some people have been emailing Jennifer Armintrout some really hateful things in regards to the mistaken identity between us. Some people have accused of her of trying to mess with my career and even adopting my name to capitalize on whatever popularity I may have., just no.

While I appreciate my readers and you guys know I love you all like cake, that's not cool. That's probably worse than anything that had happened up to this point. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Their entitled to do whatever they want on their blogs and what not, and if that means they want to talk about books, well they can. My only concern in this was when people started ragging on me and it needed to be cleared up who was who.

Also, Jennifer Armintrout has been around a lot longer than me. I think her first book was published in 2009, maybe sooner? Like her, I was born with this name and dear God, I think we even have the same middle name. Lynn just goes so well with Jennifer apparently. She's also a USA Today Bestselling author. She ain't jealous of me. And like she said on her blog, if she was going to try to emulate another author's name, she would've picked someone bigger. At least, I would hope so.

The backlash that hit me wasn't her fault. She didn't intentionally do this. If there's anyone to blame, it's those who react in that manner when they read or see something they don't like.

This is only addressed to probably  a very small minority of my readership, but I feel very bad that anyone would be emailing her that kind of stuff.

So don't do it. Or a mutant llama will come bite you.


  1. LOL, thank God I'm not one of them. I wouldn't want a mutant llama to bite me :D. No, but seriously, I remember looking for your books on Goodreads and stumbling across Ms. Armintrout. I remember being confused for a second because Half-Blood was just out and I was like, I could've sworn the author of Half- Blood was a debut author and that her name had an e and not a i. I was just hoping you'd secretly published another book in the same year. But then I searched for Half- Blood and realized I was right.

  2. It terrible that people have decided to "take things into their own hands" and have acted completely inappropriately.

  3. It's the whole "Break out the pitchforks! YARRRR!" thing. It never ends well. LOL

  4. It sucks that people react like that. I thought it's kinda funny that her name is so similar to yours and that this all came up, but upset that people are hating on her like this.

  5. It seems like some people in this "community" feel the need to pull out their pitchforks at everything instead of just leaving things alone. I hope those people can step up and apologize because it's not right. :/

  6. Well said, Jennifer. Couldn't have put it better.

  7. Thank you for saying this. There has been a lot of "fans" going after people in defense of the person they like and the fans are never addressed or told to knock it off. Whether we like it or not, to our fans, we are role models of sorts. If they are doing something inappropriate because they think it's right and in defense of us, we need to correct them. Very few people in the spotlight have the balls to stick their heads out and say "Hey, that's not cool." So, Thanks.

  8. Well said. And I too am a Jennifer Lynn. There are probably a bazillion of us out there, so we should blame our parents and realize there will continue to be confusion and just let it go and quit over-reacting, lol. I wish you and every "Jennifer" author out there the best :)

  9. I think Jennifer Lynn(e) was the most popular name for girls from like, 1978 to 1986. Seriously though, thanks for saying this. And I suggest we both change our names to Dora Roberts or Danielle Steal. Not one or the other, we should both change it to the exact same thing, because it would maintain the symmetry of the situation.

    Actually, Danielle Steal would be a really awesome roller derby name.

  10. Thanks guys!

    I am loving the name Dora Roberts, but I'm thinking Marlene Harris or RJ Ward would be great too. Sorry you received those emails. I'm sure they had good intentions, but we all know what they said about good intentions. =)

  11. You know who I'd really like to be? Anne Ruce. Or Stephen Kling.

    I'm just sorry you got caught up in the fall out from my transgressions!

  12. It certainly wasn't me!

    Strange that the names come that close to each other, isn't it?

    And I suppose that "angry villager" mentality with the pitchforks and torches is in all of us to one degree or another, and has transferred over to the cyber world... most of us just keep it reined in.

  13. Oh, and llamas are irritable enough to begin with. A two headed one would be all the more irritable.

  14. Oh that is so not cool. I get why people get confused because the names are very similar but wow, hate mail? really? Is it just me thinking that that is taking it was too far. Everyone is entitled to read what they want, and based on the previous post about people taking your books off their TBR list because of reading some adult book. I think it's stupid!
    I say leave it alone, it's over with and let's just keep gushing about all your awesome books and how beautiful the Unchained cover is. I still can't stop staring at the cover so beautiful.

    We <3 you

  15. Let's hope everyone got it now. (It wasn't me)

  16. I think it's horrible that people resort to saying mean things and emailing. The whole situation is unfortunate. It's too bad that people don't think things through before doing them. Just because people don't like something they don't need to go all drama queen and hate mail about it. So sorry that you have to deal with this Jen. Hopefully it all clears up soon and the people who have acted inappropriately realize that it's not okay. It does no good for people to act that way.

  17. You are right on Jennifer!

    LOVE the pic btw!

