Friday, December 3, 2010

Half-Blood gets vlogged!

Elena from You Write. Except when you're Rong. got an early look at Half-Blood. Just a teeny tiny sneak peak at the first two pages. Do you want to see or should i say hear the first two pages?

Then here you go. 

Elena vlogs every Friday, so please check her out! 

Isn't she awesome? And guess what? Her awesomeness is open to vlog submissions. Check out her website (link above)


  1. Thanks, Jennifer! I had a lot of fun with it.

  2. Elena did a great job. Your book sounds way good. When are copies being reliesed for reviews? I would really like to do one on my blog.


  3. Elena - you rock

    Jodi - ARCs are going out sometime in the spring. I can check in and see if we have anymore spots open!

  4. OMG!!! Great and I love that the last line is the quote in your other post. Elena, you do rock. you're like a visual foley! Very cool.
