Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Hey Guys, this is going to be a boring housekeeping post.
If you are a book reviewer and are interested in receiving an ARC of Half-Blood and HAVE NOT already contacted me or the publisher with a request for an ARC please know the following:

We love you.
If you are going to BEA in May, there will be ARCs of Half-Blood there. I don't know how many. 
If you would like to review half-blood, please email editor(at)spencerhillpress(dot)com. There are advanced trade and e galley copies available. 

If you are an international reviewer, you most likely will be offered an e galley copy. 
If you want me to do a guest blog post, blog tour, interview, character interviews and what not, please contact me directly at jenniferlarmentrout(at)live(dot)com I pretty much never say no since I love to do anything that allows me to procrastinate. 
Also, if you would like Half-Blood swag for giveaways, please email the address above. International peeps will need to send a SASE only b/c international shipping rates confused the feck out of me. We have a shipment of picks, bookmarks, and promo cards coming in very soon.

If you have any questions, let me know in the comment section.


  1. I honestly thought this was going to be about housekeeping and I was getting ready to gripe, lol.

    Thanks for the information. I'll have to pick this up when it's out. :)

  2. Wow. I feel like I'm actually ahead of the game ;) Looking forward to interviews and swag!

  3. LOL. I could take up an entire website complaining about actual housekeeping.

    But I'm just trying to streamline the requests I've been getting.
