Thursday, May 10, 2012

Aliens FTW

Over the last couple of months, I've hinted at having book news and I'm finally able to share it with the masses. 

A lot of people have asked how many books will be in the Lux Series and I've been very, very vague about answering the question. So without further adieu....

"...the untitled 4th and 5th books in the Lux Series, which continues the story of Katy, a book blogger who has fallen in love with the not-so typical alien next door as they continue to evade the DOD and even more powerful enemies..."

Yeppers peppers, there will be two more books in the Lux Series, featuring Katy.... and Daemon. Lots and lots of Daemon.  

Right now, there is no definite release dates or titles. But I hope you guys are as excited as I am to continue Katy's and Daemon's story.  So yeah, aliens FTW.


  1. *screams* HELL YES!!!! Thanks for the news Jen. Can't wait!!! :D

  2. Yay! Sigh (dreamy) more daemon. Yummy

  3. OH FUCK YES!!!!! excuse my language!! daemon just makes me so excited!

  4. Congrats Jen! I couldn't be more happy for you! :)

  5. Hell yes!! Can't wait.

  6. Woot!!!! Congrats!!! Gotta love more Daemon!! :D

  7. Very exciting news! Can't wait to read more Daemon =)

  8. Yay!!!! Happy Dance! This is like the best book news ever!!

  9. Oh my gosh! I'm so excited! I was like oh after Onyx there will be Opal and then no more Katy and Daemon and now I know there will be 5 books!!! Yes! You have no idea how exited and happy I am!

  10. Awesome! I need to check out book 1!

  11. There really is a god! Squeeeeeeee! Could I be anymore excited? Nope, not unless you announced a 6th and 7th book in the Lux series. More Daemon *sighs*. Congratulations Jennifer!

  12. I literally (don't know if you write it like that..)
    Jumped in the air when i read it.
    2 more books!! There is gonna be so much Deamon (Woehoe) and Katy moments!

    Can't wait, can't wait for it!!!!

  13. hafhakhfakhaklh <---- Yep, that's me right now! You have no idea how happy this news make me, I think I'm on cloud nine *happy face*

    Love you lots, Jennifer!

  14. Congrats and yes i'm really happy to hear this ^^ now i just will have to be very patient

  15. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! I am so so happy!! Just yesterday I was thinking about it, and I was like "Would it be a trilogy? But that means Onyx and Opal and over :(" I am so HAPPY that it isn't just 3!! Aaaaaa I am screaming from happiness! Jennifer you ROCK! ;) :)

  16. Yeah, so happy to hear this.

  17. You are a genius, Jennifer. After only one book, I can tell that it seems like too big of a story to be contained in only three installments. The worst thing about some series is when they start off so strong and then the last book is just a big rush to get to the finale and really disappoints. So, I'm glad that you're going to take the time to work things out the right way. I couldn't be happier for you! Only, it's bad news for me - now I have to do even more waiting between books. And, patience has never been one of my virtues. :)

  18. Wootwoot!!!!!!!!

  19. Will there be a 6th book?? My copy of origin literally ended with the words:
    "I wasn't sure Daemon had a choice.
    I wasn't sure I did, either."
